
2023 - Demystifying Galois Fields

2022 - Math.min() > Math.max()

2022 - n+nn+nnn+...

2022 - The special case of 00


2022 - Abduction and Logic Programming / (FR) (pdf)

2022 - Introduction to the Artificial Intelligence that can be applied to the Network Automation Journey (


2023 - NZR Labs, web solutions firm (

2022 - sm0rtbuff3rb0yz, co-created a cybersecurity CTF team (

2022 - Skorpio, a stack-oriented programming language

2021 - The Codex, is a repository that gathers examples of code in JavaScript, Python, C++, Haskell and Go (


     - CryptoHack, Position: , Score: , Solved challenges:

     - Root Me, Solved challenges: 154

     - Project Euler, Solved challenges: 203