The Skorpio Programming Language

**The development of this language is in progress!

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A stack-oriented language is one which primarily uses a stack, instead of (or in addition to) named variables, to manage data flow. This concept is closely related to that of concatenative languages, most of which are stack-based.


Compiled (Compiled language)

Native (Native)

Turing-complete (Turing completeness)

Statically typed (Static type checking)

Self-hosted (Written in itself, no more Python. Self-hosting)


"Hello, World!":

use "std.sko"
"Hello, World!\n" stdout fmt

Two simple programs:

descending order

use "std.sko"
10 while cp -1 > do
    cp =>
    1 -

ascending order

use "std.sko"
0 while cp 11 < do cp => 1 + end

Quick Start

> Help

$ ./ -h
     -dbg                     Enable debug mode 
     -I           <path>      Add the path to the include search list
     -E   <expansion-limit>   Function and use expansion limit. (Default 1000)
     -s           <file>      Simulate the program
     -c [OPTIONS] <file>      Compile the program
     -h                       Print help to STDOUT and exit 0
     -r                       Run the program after successful compilation
     -o         <file|dir>    Customize the output path
     --silent                 Silent mode. Hide infos about compilation phases

> Simulation

The simulation is an interpretation of the program

$ cat ./tests/arithmetics.sko
-- arithmetics.sko
-- add
1 2 + =>
-- substract
3 2 - =>
$ ./ -s ./tests/arithmetics.sko

> Compilation

The compilation generates assembly code, compiles it with nasm, and then links it with GNU ld. Both should be available in your $PATH.

$ cat ./tests/arithmetics.sko
-- arithmetics.sko
-- add
1 2 + =>
-- substract
3 2 - =>
$ ./ -c ./tests/arithmetics.sko
[INFO] Generating arithmetics.asm
[CMD] nasm -felf64 tests/arithmetics.asm
[CMD] ld -o tests/arithmetics tests/arithmetics.o
$ ./tests/arithmetics

The -r subcommand allows you to run the program after successful compilation:

$ ./ -c -r ./tests/arithmetics.sko
[INFO] Generating arithmetics.asm
[CMD] nasm -felf64 tests/arithmetics.asm
[CMD] ld -o tests/arithmetics tests/arithmetics.o
[CMD] tests/arithmetics

The -o subcommand allows you to customize the output path:

$ mkdir output && ./ -c -o output/ ./tests/arithmetics.sko
[INFO] Generating arithmetics.asm
[CMD] nasm -felf64 output/arithmetics.asm
[CMD] ld -o output/arithmetics output/arithmetics.o
$ ls output/
arithmetics*  arithmetics.asm  arithmetics.o

Or as a file:

$ ./ -c -o ./output ./tests/arithmetics.sko
[INFO] Generating output.asm
[CMD] nasm -felf64 ./output.asm
[CMD] ld -o ./output ./output.o
[CMD] ./output
$ ls
output*  output.asm  output.o  assets/  LICENCE**  tests/

You can chain the -r and -o subcommands:

$ mkdir output && ./ -c -r -o output/ ./tests/arithmetics.sko
[INFO] Generating arithmetics.asm
[CMD] nasm -felf64 output/arithmetics.asm
[CMD] ld -o output/arithmetics output/arithmetics.o
[CMD] output/arithmetics

> Testing

Test cases are located in ./tests/ folder. The *.txt files contain inputs (command line arguments, stdin) and expected outputs (exit code, stdout, stderr) of the corresponding programs.

Run ./ script to execute the programs and assert their outputs:

$ ./ run

To update expected outputs of the programs run the update subcommand:

$ ./ update

To update expected command line arguments and stdin of a specific program run the update input <path/to/program.sko> subcommand:

$ ./ update input ./tests/argv.sko <new> <cmd> <args>
[INFO] Provide the stdin for the test case. Press ^D when you are done...
Hello, World
[INFO] Saving input to ./tests/argv.txt

The ./examples/ folder contains programs that are meant for showcasing the language rather then testing it:

$ ./ run ./examples/
$ ./ update input ./examples/name.sko
$ ./ update output ./examples/

> Usage

If you wanna use the Skorpio compiler separately from its code base you only need two things:

By default the compiler searches files to include in ./ and ./std/. You can add more search paths via the -I flag before the subcommand: ./ -I <custom-path> -r .... See ./ help for more info.

Language Reference

This is what the language supports so far.

> Data Types

>> Integer

Currently an integer is anything that is parsable by int function of Python. When the compiler encounters an integer it pushes it onto the data stack for processing by the relevant operations.


1 2 +

The code above pushes 1 and 2 onto the data stack and sums them up with + operation.

>> String

Currently a string is any sequence of bytes sandwiched between two ". No newlines inside of the strings are allowed. Escaping is done by unicode_escape codec of Python. No way to escape " themselves for now. No special support for Unicode is provided right now too, it's just a sequence of bytes.

When the compiler encounters a string:

Thus, a single string pushes two values onto the data stack: the size and the pointer.


use "std.sko"
"Hello, World!\n" stdout fmt

The fmt macro from std.sko module expects two values on the data stack: the size of the buffer it needs to print to stdout and the pointer to the beginning of the buffer. Both of the values are provided by the string "Hello, World!\n".

>> Character

Currently a character is a single byte sandwiched between two '. Escaping is done by unicode_escape codec of Python. No way to escape ' themselves for now. No special support for Unicode is provided right now too.

When compiler encounters a character it pushes its value as an integer onto the stack.


'X' =>

This program pushes integer 88 onto the stack (since the ASCII code of letter X is 88) and prints it with the => operation.

> Built-in Words

>> Stack Manipulation

>> Comparison

>> Arithmetic

>> Bitwise

> Control Flow

>> if-else condition

<condition> if
else <condition> if

>> while loop

while <condition> do

>> Memory

>> System

> Functions

Define a new <keyword> that expands into a sequence of <tokens> during the compilation.

An example with the keyword fmt and as tokens 1 1 sys3:

fn fmt
    1 1 sys3
"Hello, World!\n" fmt
-- returns "Hello, World!"

> Include

Include tokens of file file.sko

use "file.sko"


Why would you use a stack-oriented language, and is there any practical advantages of such a paradigm ?

(source for full answers)